Friday, 27 November 2015

Dorset Local Resilience Forum Confrence

I spent today at the Dorset Local Reslience Forum Confrence in Bournemouth.
This bought together representatives of category one responders , category 2 responders,voluntary agencies and other interested parties.
It was great to see such a gathering of people with such a wide range of experience, knowledge and most importantly drive to improve the reslience of our local community.
A variety of speakers on different subjects gave a insight to their specific areas of expertise.Their  presentations were both informative and thought provoking.
The over arching theme of all the speakers was community involvement and and how as responders we can make use of and tap in to the huge wealth of knowledge,assistance and ad hoc plans which exist.
Engaging with local communities allows access to this information , prevents duplication of work and avoids reinventing the wheel. It is important to engage prior to a event so that as a responder you are aware of what resources may be available to you within your local area or further afield.
There are a range of work streams in progress across the county and nationally to ensure we make best use of these community resources in a coordinated and ordered way. Looking forward this work can only be of benefit to everyone involved.
Thanks to all involved in the organisation of this event, the speakers and the exhibitors.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Productive week

This week has seen me as our Operational Officer locally and attending several meetings. 
The trust is rolling out electronic care records and staff locally are receiving their training. This week also saw the first meetings with our two local acute trusts to brief them on the rollout and engage with them. There were very positive responses from all present. The new system will benefit patients hugely.
This morning I attended the local Safety Advisory Group monthly meeting, lots of events happening through the rest of this year and plans for next year. There was a presentation to the group outlining the plans for the 2016 Poole Harbour Boat Show which hopes to build on its successes of last year. there are also exciting discussions and planning meetings looking forward to the 2017 European Maritime Day.
Today was topped off with the Bourne Academy ambassadors evening getting the sixth formers involved with local businesses and networking. The pupils were great and really engaged a credit to the school